Work Experience: The Future Of Design
We can all remember back to a time when we had to select a career, with parents and tutors relentlessly on our cases to select a definitive path. At that age, few of us knew exactly what the world had in stall for us - unless you were one of the lucky ones who had your hearts set on something from the year dot. I know I certainly didn’t, and spent too many years studying before I realised it is essential to do something you love in life. Obviously, we all need to earn a living and be practical in this pursuit, but we spend so much time at work that being passionate about your chosen career will make it all so much easier.
Laura Wyman, a talented A’ level art student from Queen Elizabeth High School in Hexham, recently spent a few days gaining work experience at Corbridge Interior Design; “testing the water” to see whether this is a career she would like to pursue.
She said: "I wanted to do work experience in interior design as I have always loved the idea of creating a space in which people feel safe and relaxed. My work experience with Gina at Cour Interior Design inspired me, and confirmed that I definitely want to continue on a career pathway in this direction."
I am pleased that Laura was motivated by her time with me. She was a real asset on a photoshoot at a client’s property and back in the office assisted with numerous website and administrative details. She was superb company; so much so I invited her to come to London Style Week 2017 at Chelsea Harbour with me. Unfortunately, Laura felt she could not take any more time off school, having not long returned from an exchange trip to Spain. We admire your diligence Laura! You’ll be welcome back anytime.
A snapshot of Laura’s talent:
Fine art studies of anatomy.